Board of Trustees

Winning Together

Candy Levy

Event Coordinator & Co-Founder

Candy Levy was born and raised in Beverly Hills, Ca. (not 90210). Candy and Brad actually grew up in the same part of town, went to the same elementary school, but missed each other in high school because of their grade differences. Candy and Brad have been together since 1989, on roller coaster rides galore (not the amusement park kind)!
Candy has always had a soft spot for kids and elderly, she worked for many years with special needs students in the BHUSD. At one point Candy also worked in her family’s manufacturing business, but that wasn’t the right fit. Working for a few years at The Carol Faith Agency, representing composers was great fun. Though Carol is still an amazing friend and Sofie’s “fairy god-mother”, once Sofie was born in December 1999, the need to work was filled by being “Sofie’s Mom”. BEST JOB EVER!

In 2005, when Sofie was diagnosed with Epilepsy, Candy & Brad’s world changed and focus was getting Sofie cured. The rest is history (which can be read in Sofie’s Journey). The Levy’s moved to Orange County in 2006, after only knowing LA to be home, the transition took awhile, but moving extended family down too made it easier. They have made good friends and are happy to be living a less hectic life style.

Candy & Brad are so happy to give back by having Epilepsy Awareness Day at Disneyland continue to be more successful each year. The best gift is watching Sofie continue to be seizure free and grow up into a wonderful young lady as an active participant of EADDL!

Online Marketing, Design & Managment by little Opus

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